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GENERAL Napoleon

Napoleonic game inspired by C&C with several variations. It will cover some of Napoleon's most famous battles. There will be different types of units, line infantry, light infantry, militia, guard, cuirassiers, hussars, etc.
The game is turn-based, divided into phases (French Command Phase, Movement Phase, Combat Phase and French Final Phase), each turn being approximately 15-30 minutes. Units can assume line formation, square formation and a special formation (general order) if in obstructed terrain.

At the beginning of a scenario, units generally have 4 steps that will decrease due to combat, close and ranged. Some units, e.g. the French line infantry will have bonuses in close combat, others in ranged combat, while the French Old Guard can ignore up to 2 hexes of retreat.

You win if the enemy army breaks, i.e. it happens when the step losses are greater than the total steps / 3, or at the end of the game by occupying some target hexes.

The player takes the French side, the Ai takes the allied side.

A beta demo will be released as soon as possible so that players can submit suggestions/ideas to improve the game.


Youtube video:











dr. Nicola Guidoni


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